Copying pages
Copying pages within one site (duplicating)
You can create an absolute copy of the page on your site. This feature can be useful if you need to create a large number of similar pages.
In order to create a duplicate, follow the next steps:
Open the site editor;
Open the drop-down list of site pages in the upper left corner of the screen;

Locate the page you'd like to copy;
Click on the three-dot button and select “Duplicate”;

The copy will be added to the list of pages.
Copying pages to a different site
You can copy pages from one site to another within your account. Please note that when page copying, blocks, their location on the page, styles, and content are transferred. However, products from your online store cannot be transferred.
In order to copy a page to a different site, follow the next steps:
Open the site editor;
Open the drop-down list of site pages in the upper left corner of the screen;
Locate the page you'd like to copy to a different site;
Click on the three-dot button and select “Copy to another website”;

In the new window, choose the site where you'd like to place the copy and click “Apply”;
If the copying is successful, you will see a small confirmation in the lower left corner of the screen;

Updated on: 12/06/2023
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