Changing product URL in the online store
Each product in your online store has a dedicated page with a description, media gallery, SKU, and others. By default, the product page link is generated based on its name:

See how you can change the URL of the product page in the SEO settings.
Open the settings of your site and access the Products section in Your store tab:

Choose a product, click on the three dots and select Edit from the dropdown:

In the opened window navigate to the SEO tab:

Proceed to the product URL section and enter a new one:

You cannot change the system part of the product URL (for example, — this is defined by the domain you connected to your website.
Previous product URL works as a 301 redirect to the new one.
Subsequent changes to the product name do not affect its URL.
You can see the list of the old URLs for a particular product by clicking on the link below:

In the window that opens, you can not only view the archived URLs, but also delete them:

Important: When using a 301 redirect, it is cached by the browser for those customers who have previously followed this link. You cannot clear the cache for your site visitors, so if your customer has opened a URL with a redirect and then you delete the 301 redirect from this URL, this previously added redirect will continue to take effect until your customer clears their browser cache or the cache expires (this may take an unpredictably long time).
Save the changes so they appear live:

See how you can change the URL of the product page in the SEO settings.
Changing product URL in the online store
Open the settings of your site and access the Products section in Your store tab:

Choose a product, click on the three dots and select Edit from the dropdown:

In the opened window navigate to the SEO tab:

Proceed to the product URL section and enter a new one:

Note that:
You cannot change the system part of the product URL (for example, — this is defined by the domain you connected to your website.
Previous product URL works as a 301 redirect to the new one.
Subsequent changes to the product name do not affect its URL.
You can see the list of the old URLs for a particular product by clicking on the link below:

In the window that opens, you can not only view the archived URLs, but also delete them:

Important: When using a 301 redirect, it is cached by the browser for those customers who have previously followed this link. You cannot clear the cache for your site visitors, so if your customer has opened a URL with a redirect and then you delete the 301 redirect from this URL, this previously added redirect will continue to take effect until your customer clears their browser cache or the cache expires (this may take an unpredictably long time).
Save the changes so they appear live:

Updated on: 10/16/2024
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