Editor and account issues
If you are experiencing issues with opening the editor, uploading media or making any changes to the site, see the possible reasons and the troubleshooting steps below. Editor and account issues Clear cache and cookies in the browser you are using. Cookies are files created by sites you visit that make your online experience easier by saving browsing data. Cache remembers parts of pages like images to help them open faster on your next visit. When you use a browser, it saves some infoSome readersSite loading speed
Website loading speed is one of the key factors that help you increase conversions and attract traffic. Weblium is constantly improving the speed of website visualization to provide you with the best user experience. However, there are some external factors that can affect the time it takes for your website to load. Before you get started, keep in mind that site speed can be affected by: browser cache; your Internet connection (for example, a site may load slower on 3G than with Wi-Some readersNot receiving emails from the contact form
The contact forms are the main way for your visitors to get in touch with you, so it's important that they work uninterruptedly. If you noticed that you don't receive the emails from the contact form on your live website, follow the steps below to solve the issue. Not receiving emails from the contact form Check whether you've connected email to your contact form. If the email isn't set up for your contact form, you'll see the red exclamation mark near the button in your form: (httpsFew readersDomain connection issues
When you connect your domain to a site on Weblium, it may take up to 24-48 hours before the records you changed for the connection are updated globally. This is a standard procedure, the speed of which depends on the speed of information updates from different providers. During this time, the connection may be unstable and the site may not be available on all devices, and you may also see a negative status in the system — this is absolutely normal and expected. If enough time has passed but theFew readersCan't login to the account
You may be encountering problems with logging in to your Weblium account due to multiple reasons. Based on our experience, in 99% of cases you'll be able to troubleshoot those reasons locally. See the most common scenarios and the troubleshooting steps below. Invalid username or password If you see the Invalid username or password error when trying to log in to the account, first check that the username you entered is correct. If it is, then the issue most probably lies in the passwFew readersSupported browsers
To avoid some unpredictable issues while editing or viewing your site, make sure that you have updated your browser to the latest version. You can get acquainted with the supported browsers below. Supported browsers for editing Chrome (112 and above) Firefox (112 and above) Safari (14 and above full support, 10.1-13 partial support) Microsoft Edge (112 and above) We also recommend turning off all possible extensions during editing to smooth the process.Few readersA block is not displaying on the live site
As we're constantly developing our platform, a dedicated team updates the existing blocks in the editor to provide you with a wider scope of functionalities. While newer blocks have proven to be issue-proof in comparison to the previous ones, it may happen that a block is visible in the editor, but not on the live site. Below you will see the reasons for that and the steps to follow to fix the issue. Troubleshooting block issues Switch or clear the environment you're viewing your websitFew readersPayment issues
In case you encounter any problems with payments on Weblium, see the article below to check the common issues and their resolutions. Troubleshooting payment issues at a checkout If you're trying to pay for any Weblium subscription or service, and your payment was declined, it could be because the payment method is invalid, the billing details were entered incorrectly, or there's an issue with your bank or browser. See the possible troubleshooting steps below: Ensure you're usinFew readers