Translation of the text parts in site settings
Partly translating the site's text in the unified site settings allows you to change the text of some site elements in one place. For now, it is possible to edit the thank you pop-up displayed when sending a submission via a contact form. And, if you have a multilingual site, you can set separate texts for each language version.
Open Site settings, go to the Multilingual site section, and a little lower is the needed Translate parts of the text on the site section:

If your site is written in one language and our multilingual feature is not used, then the text of thank you pop-ups will be in one language by default throughout the site. You can change this text in the fields below:

Publish your site for the changes to take effect.
If your site is multilingual, then you can specify different texts for each language version of the site. At the same time, for Ukrainian, Russian, English, and Spanish, translation is done automatically. Select the desired language version in the drop-down list to open its text for editing:

Note: The language of the online store depends on the main language of the site. Therefore, if you want to translate the text of the online store in one click into Ukrainian, Russian, English, or Spanish, you can change the site's main language to one of these languages. You can also manually translate the online store's text, described in more detail in this article.
Publish the site for the changes to take effect.
You can change the contact forms' texts not only for the entire site or language version simultaneously but for one specific contact form as well. To do this, open the settings of a contact form in the editor, go to the Action tab and toggle on the Custom message text switch. After that, you can enter any text for this particular contact form below:

Publish your site for the changes to appear live.
Tip: To set a custom text for the thank you pop-up, the contact form must have the "Show thank you message in pop-up" action when it is submitted.
After implementing one of the methods above, when submitting the form, it will show the text in the "Thank you pop-up" that you specified earlier:

Open Site settings, go to the Multilingual site section, and a little lower is the needed Translate parts of the text on the site section:

Editing the contact forms' "Thank you" pop-up
Translation of texts in one language
If your site is written in one language and our multilingual feature is not used, then the text of thank you pop-ups will be in one language by default throughout the site. You can change this text in the fields below:

Publish your site for the changes to take effect.
Translation of texts on a multilingual site
If your site is multilingual, then you can specify different texts for each language version of the site. At the same time, for Ukrainian, Russian, English, and Spanish, translation is done automatically. Select the desired language version in the drop-down list to open its text for editing:

Note: The language of the online store depends on the main language of the site. Therefore, if you want to translate the text of the online store in one click into Ukrainian, Russian, English, or Spanish, you can change the site's main language to one of these languages. You can also manually translate the online store's text, described in more detail in this article.
Publish the site for the changes to take effect.
Set custom text for a contact form
You can change the contact forms' texts not only for the entire site or language version simultaneously but for one specific contact form as well. To do this, open the settings of a contact form in the editor, go to the Action tab and toggle on the Custom message text switch. After that, you can enter any text for this particular contact form below:

Publish your site for the changes to appear live.
Tip: To set a custom text for the thank you pop-up, the contact form must have the "Show thank you message in pop-up" action when it is submitted.
After implementing one of the methods above, when submitting the form, it will show the text in the "Thank you pop-up" that you specified earlier:

Updated on: 12/05/2023
Thank you!