Articles on: Online store
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Adding a product card element

If you are looking for a way to fit in a product to an existing block organically, try adding a product card as a separate element. It’s possible to do so in almost all the blocks in the editor, plus it allows certain flexibility in terms of the layout you get.

Adding a product card element to an existing block

Hover over a place in the block where you'd like to add a product card element and click on the "plus":

Then, choose the Product element in the list:

Tip: You can star a Product element as your favorite for a quick access according to the instructions in the Adding elements article.

Hover over the Product element and click on the "gear" at the top left corner:

In the Product layout choose the product you want to display:

Once you are done adding products in the editor, make sure to publish the site for the changes to take effect.

Updated on: 12/07/2023

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