Product options
Product options
If you are selling products that have multiple variations (for example, T-shirts of different sizes, cups of different colors, etc.), you can set a specific option (i.e. parameter) for them and fill it with the available variants. This will add a drop-down list to the product page, through which users can select a specific variant of the presented product item.

Adding options and variants
To add an option and all available variants to a product, follow these steps:
Go to the “Product options” tab;
Click on the "Add option" button. There are two types of product options you can add: standard (1) and custom (2). Standard options are the most popular ones and will be taken into consideration if you are going to use Facebook & Instagram Commerce Manager or Google Merchant Center sales channels.

You can leave the name of the standard option or change it. Next, add the available variants (for example, Option - Size, Option variants - S, M, L, XL) and click “Add”;

After adding, you will see two sections - the “Product options” section (1), which will display all the options of the product item with possible variants, and the “Manage variants” section (2), in which you can specify additional settings for each created option;

Tip: You can change the name of any option by clicking on the "Pencil" icon opposite the corresponding option in the "Product options" section.
Important: You can add several options (but no more than three) to each product. For example, for one product item, you can add two options - Size (S, M, L) and Color (blue and red). Thus, all available product variations will be created in the "Manage variants" section. If any variation does not exist (for example, there is no blue item in size S), you can remove it from the list.
Variants management
The section “Manage Variants” contains all the available variants. If more than one option has been added, the section will list all variations of the created variants. For example, if you add two options - Size (S, M, L) and Color (blue and red), you will get the following variations:
S, Blue
M, Blue
L, Blue
S, Red
M, Red
L, Red

With the help of mass actions, you can change availability statuses (1), set pictures (2) or delete multiple variants (3). This feature is especially helpful, if you want, for example, to update all the red sneakers you have in stock. There are several mass actions available:

To edit a specific variation, click on the "Pencil" icon next to this variation in the "Manage variants" section. In the new window, you can set a photo (1), price (2), and SKU (4). If you choose to track the inventory of this variant (3), the availability status will dissapear. To learn more about tracking inventory, visit Inventory tracking.
Also, each variation will get an automatically generated product code (5), which can be used to find for this product on the site. To learn more about product search, make sure to visit the following article - Setting up store search on your site.

Tip: To quickly switch between options, you can use the right panel, which contains a list of all available options.
Updated on: 12/07/2023
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