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Getting started
Learn about basic actions in the editor.
Basic editor information
Basic actions in the Weblium editor
This article will show you the basic actions with the blocks, also how to work with elements, edit the text, and add images.
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The advantages of Weblium
In this article we've gathered top reasons to choose Weblium among others.
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Templates and their setup
Customizing a ready-to-use template
This article will help you customize a template and launch your fully-functioning website on Weblium.
Choosing a template for your website
Here are the guidelines to help you find the right template for your site.
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Getting started with a blank template
If you have experience creating websites, try starting with a blank template for more flexibility.
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Basic site actions
Publishing a site
For the changes to be displayed on the live site, the site has to be published.
Site color palette
The article will help you understand how to work with the global site colors.
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Site preview
Preview how the site will be displayed on mobile, tablet, or desktop devices.
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Basic pages actions
Adding pages and subpages
Extra pages on your site may help structure site content and create convenient navigation.
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Copying pages
Copying pages within one site (duplicating) You can create an absolute copy of the page on your site. This feature can be useful if you need to create a large number of similar pages. In order to create a duplicate, follow the next steps: Open the site editor; Open the drop-down list of site pages in the upper left corner of the screen; Locate the page you'd like to copy; C
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Basic blocks actions
Adding blocks
Ready-to-use blocks help minimize the time spent on website development.
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Copying blocks
You can copy a block to another page of the site. The copies of the block will be completely independent.
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Moving blocks on a page
You can change the order of the blocks by moving them across a page.
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Navigating between blocks
The Navigator menu item on the control panel allows you to quickly move between blocks and control their settings. Using the navigator To open Navigator, move the cursor to the upper left corner of the screen and click on the Navigator icon: In the panel that opens, you can locate any block on the page by clicking on the name of this block: (
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Deleting a block
You can delete a block completely from the block settings.
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