Creating a Coming Soon page
You don't have to wait until you finish your website completely to go online. While you are filling your future website with images and content or making a significant redesign, launch a Coming Soon (or "Under Construction") page to give your site visitors an idea of what to expect next. This page will act as a teaser for the upcoming website and will allow you to capture leads even if the work isn't done yet.
Some use cases for the Coming Soon page:
It gives your clients a better understanding of what's coming up while the site is still under development.
If this is a brand new project, the Coming Soon page acts as a sneak peek of what it's all about.
The page allows you to collect leads and research the market, also verify ideas. For instance, if you're launching a start-up, a Coming Soon page will help you analyze the prospective traffic and measure the interest in your idea.
The Coming Soon page helps keep the site visitors engaged. Just add a contact form there and grow your list of leads. Send newsletters, promos, and notify your visitors once the website is launched.
Follow the instructions below to create a Coming Soon page.
If you're only starting to build your site with Weblium, choose a suitable template from the Pages tab in the gallery:

In case you've already created a site, add a page to your site to build a Coming Soon page from scratch. You can also create a separate site with the needed template (for example, "Under construction") and then copy its page to your main site.
Open the future Coming Soon page and change its content:

The primary rule here is to keep a page as simple as possible. However, don't forget to give your visitors some useful information about your site and your company.
Important: Even if there are one hundred pages hidden behind a Coming Soon page, visitors won't find them since no links are leading from it. That is why the page shouldn't contain any navigation elements often found in header or footer. If you're using global blocks on your site, make sure to hide them on this page.
Adjust a page to the overall design of your site:

If you already have a logo, initial design, color scheme, or a chosen font, use them on your page to create a style that customers will remember.
Add a subscription/ contact form to a page:

Allowing visitors to subscribe to the newsletter is great for further website promotion. If you skip this, some visitors may miss the launch of your website.
Add a contact form, change the layout, adjust its style and set an email to receive form submissions.
Show some progress to the audience:

Place a countdown to indicate the time before the launching of the full version of the site. The Adding a countdown article will help you set the date.
Add social links to a page:

Another way to connect with your audience is to use Twitter or other social networks. Follow the instructions in the Global social links article for more information.
Once you've done customizing the page, open its settings by clicking on the "gear" and set it as a Home page:

Don't forget to change the meta tags for your page and customize its social preview.
Publish your site for the changes to appear live.
Some use cases for the Coming Soon page:
It gives your clients a better understanding of what's coming up while the site is still under development.
If this is a brand new project, the Coming Soon page acts as a sneak peek of what it's all about.
The page allows you to collect leads and research the market, also verify ideas. For instance, if you're launching a start-up, a Coming Soon page will help you analyze the prospective traffic and measure the interest in your idea.
The Coming Soon page helps keep the site visitors engaged. Just add a contact form there and grow your list of leads. Send newsletters, promos, and notify your visitors once the website is launched.
Follow the instructions below to create a Coming Soon page.
Creating a Coming Soon page
If you're only starting to build your site with Weblium, choose a suitable template from the Pages tab in the gallery:

In case you've already created a site, add a page to your site to build a Coming Soon page from scratch. You can also create a separate site with the needed template (for example, "Under construction") and then copy its page to your main site.
Open the future Coming Soon page and change its content:

The primary rule here is to keep a page as simple as possible. However, don't forget to give your visitors some useful information about your site and your company.
Important: Even if there are one hundred pages hidden behind a Coming Soon page, visitors won't find them since no links are leading from it. That is why the page shouldn't contain any navigation elements often found in header or footer. If you're using global blocks on your site, make sure to hide them on this page.
Adjust a page to the overall design of your site:

If you already have a logo, initial design, color scheme, or a chosen font, use them on your page to create a style that customers will remember.
Add a subscription/ contact form to a page:

Allowing visitors to subscribe to the newsletter is great for further website promotion. If you skip this, some visitors may miss the launch of your website.
Add a contact form, change the layout, adjust its style and set an email to receive form submissions.
Show some progress to the audience:

Place a countdown to indicate the time before the launching of the full version of the site. The Adding a countdown article will help you set the date.
Add social links to a page:

Another way to connect with your audience is to use Twitter or other social networks. Follow the instructions in the Global social links article for more information.
Once you've done customizing the page, open its settings by clicking on the "gear" and set it as a Home page:

Don't forget to change the meta tags for your page and customize its social preview.
Publish your site for the changes to appear live.
Updated on: 04/29/2024
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