Articles on: Payment methods
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Connecting WayForPay as a payment method

WayForPay payment service is a simple solution for accepting payments on your website. Internet acquiring with 3-D Secure security technology.

Important: Payment methods are available on websites with paid and Trial subscriptions.
Note: WayForPay has 32 currencies available for accepting payments, however, funds can only be credited in hryvnia (UAH). Funds are written off from foreign cards in hryvnia using conversion.

Connecting Wayforpay to an online store

If you already have a WayForPay account, log in by following this link.
If you do not have an account, register using this link.

After this, you will need to create a store in your account. To do this, click the Shop settings button, then the Create a shop button:

Then, in the pop-up window, you need to select the card called I'm owner of site:

If the store creation is successful, you will see the following message:

Important: During the first registration, your account will automatically be in test mode, so be sure to complete the registration process to gain access to your business account.

After you register a business account, log in to it. Your credentials for connecting the integration is located in the Merchant Details section:

In your website settings on Weblium, go to the Your Store section, then to the Payment methods subsection, and click on the Add button next to WayForPay:

Paste Merchant Login ① and Merchant Secret Key ② into the appropriate fields:

To the Success redirect URL ③ and Failure redirect URL ④ fields, you can add links to your custom success and failure pages you had created.

Important: You should paste the links that start from https://.
Tip: To know how to add pages, check this guide. You can also learn how to customize a "Thank you" page in this article.

After all the fields are filled in correctly, save the changes:

Tip: More information about setting up the integration can be found in technical documentation from WayForPay. Additionally, you can contact their support through various channels provided here.

Publish your site for the changes to take effect.

Deactivating the payment method

If necessary, you can hide the payment system without deleting it.
For that, return to the Payment methods section, and in the Connected payment methods subsection, turn the switch off:

Connecting WayForPay to work in test mode

You can connect WayForPay in test mode to check the operation of the payment method without using your own bank card.

For testing, you can use the following:

test data from your account in test mode (section Merchant Details)

test data offered by WayForPay:
ㅤㅤㅤmerchantAccount test_merch_n1
ㅤㅤㅤmerchantSecretKey flk3409refn54t54t*FNJRET

Tip: For more information about test mode, consult documentation from WayForPay.

Return to Weblium and activate the Test Mode switch, then paste the previously copied data into the corresponding fields and :

Important: The non-test mode fields marked with an asterisk below must also be filled in. You can enter the same sandbox credentials there if you have not entered data for real payments.

Save changes and publish your website.

After setting up the test mode correctly, you will see a payment page similar to this:

To test the payments, you can use the following test cards: 4111 1111 1111 1111 and 5454 5454 5454 5454
For both cards, you can specify any validity period (valid at the time of entry) and any CVV code. The owner's full name can also be arbitrary, but this field must be filled out.

Note: Such payments will be processed as unsuccessful. For successful payments you need to use a real card using real funds. If the store is in test mode, all payments are refunded automatically within 15 minutes.
Tip: If you want to test successful payments without the risk of losing funds, you can create a product for 1 USD and pay for it.

Sending payment emails to customers

Additionally, it is worth noting that it is now possible to manage the option of sending letters to your customers about the created order. If, when placing an order, the customer does not pay for it for specific reasons, he will be able to open the letter in his email and complete the payment. Letters are sent to the email address that the buyer specifies in the shopping cart when placing an order.

In the payment method settings, you can check the box next to Send emails or remove it so that emails about paid orders are not sent to customers on your website:

Tip: By default the checkbox is activated.
Note: The link to pay for the order in the letter sent to the customer will be valid for 1 hour from the moment the letter is received (the order is created). That is, if the order you received is more than 1 hour old and has not been paid, the customer will probably no longer pay for it through WayForPay. You can contact such a buyer and offer him alternative payment methods. You can check the payment status of your order using these instructions.

The email your customers will receive will approximately look like this:

Bear in mind: Such letters could be sent in Ukrainian.

Updated on: 08/23/2024

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